Best of 2010 – part 1.

•December 12, 2010 • 3 Comments

With the end of the year being nigh, I thought I’d do a little recap of the albums/events/thingsthathappened that were the absolute shit during 2010, and there were so many.

One of my favourite albums of 2010 came from Dan Kelly and the Dream Band, with Dan Kelly’s Dream.

The long awaited follow up to his previous album, Drowning in the Fountain of Youth, released all the way back in 2006, Kelly ditched the Alpha Males, got himself a new band in the form of the Dream Band, comprising members of Augie March and Ground Components, and delivered a fantastic record that was as interesting as it was exciting.

Harry Potter references, dreamy surf melodies, Kelly’s typical clever lyrics and some very sweet backing melodies, courtesy of his two young and arorable nieces made this record a stand out for 2010 for me. Favourite track from the album varies between opener The Decommissioner, single Hold On, I’m Coming On and the very sweet love-song-of-sorts Gap Year Blues. This album has been one I’ve constantly returned to since it’s release, whether it’s on the tram to drift into a hazy, dreamy make believe, or at work, to keep my spirits up whilst I toil. Definitely one of the best this year.

Another highlight was also provided by Dan Kelly, in the form of Mess + Noise’s lunchbox series #5, at 1000 Pound Bend’s marvellous gallery space, which was temporarily transformed into a leafy paradise courtesy of some beautifully arranged plastic decorations. Kelly was charming, talkative and a gracious host, repeating that he hadn’t expected so many to turn up, as the space was packed. What followed was a beautiful, dreamy (overusing that word I know, but there’s nothing else that sums this album up better) and engaging set from what is clearly a very talented and clever man. Sadly, it only went for an hour, and all too soon it was over. However, the kind people at Mess + Noise taped some bits of the set, so I shall end this post with their footage of the show. You can even see me in the audience at some point. I hope you enjoy!

– Kat

My Number One

•December 9, 2010 • Leave a Comment

As there are vague intentions for this to be a music blog, I suppose I should begin with not only my favourite band, but in my eyes, ( my totally unbiased eyes), one of the most exciting bands to emerge in the last 10 years. I am talking about the one, the only, the notorious Libertines.

Yes, The Libertines, you heard me correctly. I discovered them in the latter half of high school, and for someone drowning in a sea of teenaged moodiness and bland music, they were, and still are, a lifesaver for me.

Not only does their music branch from beautiful, lilting melodies that can break your heart (Music When The Lights Go Out, France) to unbelievably fast-paced vulgarity that makes you want to dance manically and break shit (What A Waster, I Get Along) but there was always a real sense of connection with the band for the fans, and whilst I was (regrettably) not old enough to appreciate them whilst they were still together, I still feel that connection, despite living on the other side of the world from them.

At the moment I’m reading the autobiography of the guitarist, Carl Barat, and he makes special mention of how they always strove to connect with their fans, even when it resulted in outcomes such as having their phones or keys stolen from them. This is something that I feel not enough bandsĀ  feel is important these days, even though now it is easier than ever to obtain music illegally, and they need us to turn a profit.

But most of all, for me, The Libertines meant freedom, the creation of another world. Their idealised version of paradise, a fantasy world of traditional English values mixed with their hedonistic lifestyle, called Arcadia, which you only gained entrance to by voyaging on the good ship Albion. Even if this world was only ever in their imaginations (or hallucinations) I am forever grateful for the escapism it provided me, and it is for this reason, as well as their amazing sound, that they will always be my number 1.

Want a taste? I suggest downloading the incredibly beautiful ‘Death on the Stairs’, a song I recently had the extreme privilege of hearing live, and it simply blew me away.

Lets get into the spirit of discussion, tell me about your absolute favourite band. The one that, no matter who comes and goes, you will always return to with a smile on your face.

– Kat.

Hello and welcome

•December 8, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Why hello there, my name is Kat. After a while of dillying and dallying, I decided that instead of being a lurker all my life, it was high time I did something, so this blog has been created. Ideally, I’d like it to be about music in Melbourne and the rest of the world, but lets just see where it goes, shall we?

As for the name? One of my favourite lines in my favourite songs, but that is another story for another time. Here’s to a long and fruitful relationship, internets.
